Welcome to ASSENSIS
Your tax advisors and accountants in Hamburg Nienstedten
Matthias Wiener
As Chartered Accountant and Tax Advisor in Hamburg I am – next to general tax advisory – specialised in auditing and advisory of structuring financial assets and the trustee business.
Linda Sy
As Chartered Accountant and Tax Advisor in Hamburg I have years of experience in current tax consulting and in performing audits for companies of any legal form as well as for individuals.
We offer you a broad range of tax related services
Our services comprise support in founding and choosing the adequate legal form for your business, financial and payroll accounting and preparation of your annual financial statements. Furthermore we prepare your annual tax returns, handle the correspondence with tax authorities and assist you in filing applications. We also review your tax assessments and if required, we support you in filing appeals and court proceedings. Services offered in structuring and succession planning are highly esteemed due to our years of experience.
We are always keep an open ear for your concerns.
As auditors we provide mandatory and voluntory annual audits.
Furthermore we offer you the following services:
- Company valuation
- Funds control
- Trustee business
- Financing concepts
- Corporate restructuring
Charlotte-Niese-Straße 6a · 22609 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 – 300 68 74 0